Personal data protection policy

In order for you to be able to browse our site with complete peace of mind we would like to share with you on this page the purposes and methods of processing the personal data we collect during your browsing.
The processing of your personal data is always based on the principles of lawfulness and fairness in accordance with all applicable laws.
Below you will find all the details concerning the processing of your personal data.

Data protection is ensured with a view to the confidentiality, non-alteration and security of the data you entrust to us.

All necessary measures are taken in order to ensure that

  • That you are fully informed of the way in which your data is processed,
  • To keep your Data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes of processing,
  • That you can access your data at any time in order to modify it or request its deletion.

To achieve these objectives, we implement appropriate technical measures to ensure that processing operations comply with applicable data protection law.

Note on the privacy policy

This statement lets you know, even before you access the various sections of the Site, how we will treat your personal data, whether provided directly by you (such as your name, surname, postal and e-mail address, password, age, date of birth, gender, occupation, marital status, etc.) or collected by us in another way.

Identity and contact details of the data controller

The data controller is Delphine MONTEYREMARD, whose registered office is: 25 rue Georges Teyssier 42000 SAINT- ETIENNE

Delphine MONTEYREMARD, will process your personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter "Privacy Policy").

What are the personal data treated by Brin de Cuivre ?

Brin de Cuivre collects the information strictly necessary to the supply of our services.
Your navigation on the Site and/or your access to certain sections of the Site can imply the collection and the subsequent processing of your Personal Data by Brin de Cuivre. During the connection to the Site, the computer systems and the software procedures used to make them function acquire automatically and/or indirectly certain information (Cookies).
In accordance with the law, Brin de Cuivre does not collect data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership, genetic personal data, biometric personal data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, personal data concerning health or personal data concerning the sexual life or sexual orientation of a natural person.

Legal Obligations

Brin de Cuivre can be held to communicate your Data in the event of legitimate requests of public authorities, in particular to answer requirements as regards national security, fight against fraud or law enforcement.

How do we process your Personal Data?

The processing of your Personal Data may involve any type of operation, including collection, recording, organisation, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, cancellation and destruction.

Your Personal Data will be processed mainly in automated form but also in paper form, with a logic strictly linked to its purposes, through databases, electronic platforms managed by Brin de Cuivre or by third parties designated for this purpose as external managers and/or integrated computer systems of Brin de Cuivre and the aforementioned third parties and/or sites owned or used by Brin de Cuivre.

Brin de Cuivre has assessed the level of security as adequate taking into account the risks that could arise from the loss, destruction, modification, unauthorized disclosure, accidental or illegal access, abuse or modification of your Personal Data.
Specifically, we have:
- has taken security measures appropriate to the risks;
- stores your Personal Data on servers located mainly in Europe. In any case, the servers are subject to an advanced and daily backup system.

Who are the recipients of your data?

Brin de Cuivre makes sure that only the persons authorized within its structure can access your Data when this access is necessary for the execution of our commercial relation.

Our service providers can also be recipients of the Data strictly necessary to the realization of the services which we will have entrusted to them.

Retention of personal data?

In order to ensure compliance with the principles of necessity and proportionality of processing, the data controller has identified different retention periods for personal data depending on the individual purposes pursued:

- aux fins de la gestion de votre inscription sur le Site, vos Données personnelles seront conservées pendant le temps strictement nécessaire et en tout cas aussi longtemps que votre profil est actif.
- for the purposes of managing your registration on the Site, your Personal Data will be kept for the time strictly necessary and in any case for as long as your profile is active.

- for the purposes of managing and fulfilling obligations provided for by law (accounting, administrative, fiscal, etc.), your Personal Data will be kept for the time strictly necessary for this purpose

At the end of the retention periods, we may archive the data, in particular to meet the time limits for legal proceedings.

Data retention periods comply with the recommendations of the CNIL and/or legal obligations.

Your rights regarding the processing of your personal data

The Privacy Policy gives you, as an interested party, several rights. In particular, you have the right:

  1. To obtain from the Data Controller confirmation of the existence or otherwise of your Personal Data, even if not yet recorded, and their communication in intelligible form, as well as access to your Personal Data (by obtaining a copy) and to the relevant information (including the purposes of the processing, the categories and origins of the Personal Data, the categories off recipients to whom they have been or may be communicated, the period of retention (if possible), the rights that may be exercised) ;
  2. To obtain from the Holder the rectification of your Personal Data and the integration of your incomplete Personal Data:
  3. To delete your profile on the Site and, in any case, to obtain from the Controller the deletion of your Personal Data without undue delay, in particular when the Personal Data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were processed or when there is no longer any legal basis for their processing;
  4. To obtain from the Controller the transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of your Personal Data processed unlawfully, including those whose retention is unnecessary, in relation to the purposes for which the Personal Data were collected or further processed;
  5. To obtain from the Data Controller the limitation of the processing of your Personal Data, inter alia, when you contest their accuracy or object to their processing, for the period necessary for their respective verifications;
  6. To receive, in a structured, commonly used and automatically readable format, your Personal Data and to transmit or, if technically possible, to obtain the direct transmission of your Personal Data to another controller without hindrance, in case the processing is carried out by automated means and is based on your consent or is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are party;
  7. Too revoke your consent to the processing of your Personal Data for the purposes for which it was provided.

You can exercise your rights against Brin de Cuivre by accessing the "Contact" section of the site or by writing to the following e-mail address or by sending a letter to Brin de Cuivre by ordinary mail to the address indicated in the section "Identity and contact details of the data controller".

In addition, if you consider that the processing of your personal data violates the privacy policy, you can file a complaint with the guarantor authority for the protection of personal data of the State in which you reside, where your place of work is or where the alleged violation took place, or contact the same authority to request information on the exercise of your rights under the privacy policy.

Privacy Policy Note - Cookies

Cookies are computer tags sent by a server to a user's device (usually the Internet browser) when the user accesses a given page of a website; cookies, which may also be set by websites other than those visited by the user ("third-party cookies"), are automatically recorded by the user's browser and transmitted to the server that generates them each time the user accesses a web page. Thus, for example, cookies allow and/or facilitate access to certain web pages in order to improve the user's navigation (i.e. they allow the storage of the pages visited and other specific information, such as the pages visited most frequently, connection errors, etc.). Therefore, for a simple and complete use of a website, the user is advised to configure his browser to accept the reception of these cookies.

Often, browsers are configured to accept cookies automatically. However, users can change the default setting to disable or delete cookies (from time to time or permanently), with the result that optimal use of certain areas of the site may be excluded. You can also check the methods and types of cookies stored on your browser by changing the cookie settings on your browser.

Characteristics and purposes of the cookies

Our Site uses the following categories of cookies, which can come from Brin de Cuivre or from third parties.

a) Technical cookies ;
They are used to facilitate your navigation on the Site and the use of its functionalities. Technical cookies include essential cookies, which allow functions without which you could not fully use the Site, as well as performance cookies which improve the functionality of the Site.

b) Functional cookies ;
These allow the Site to remember the choices you have made (for example, the language or geographical area in which you are located) and to re-propose them on subsequent accesses in order to provide better and more personalised services (for example, they may be used to provide similar content to that which you have already requested).

Methodology of consent to the installation of cookies

When you access the Site for the first time, you will find a banner with a link to this statement where you will find more information on the cookies installed by Brin de Cuivre and third parties.

For the use of anonymous technical and analytical cookies, your consent is not required. You can however deactivate them by following the procedure described in the section "How to activate or deactivate the cookies on your browsers".

How to enable or disable cookies on your browsers:

You can block your browser from accepting cookies. However, this may make it less effective or prevent access to certain features or pages of the site.

Below are the ways in which the major browsers can block the acceptance of cookies:

► Internet Explorer :
► Firefox :
► Chrome :
► Safari :

If you have any questions about the protection of your personal data, our internal referent is at your disposal. To contact him, please send your requests to the following address

Révision et actualisation de la politique

Review and update of the policy This policy will be updated as necessary to meet the requirements of applicable data protection regulations.

On 19/05/2020
